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Download and Setup Trust Wallet

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Trust Wallet Installation
2 Min

Adding SCAI or Bitgert Network
to Trust Wallet

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About Networks and Registering
1 Min

Add SCAI & "E" Currency to Wallet

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Add SCAI Network & EQUIIUS "E" Currency
2 + Min

Purchase $ EQE for Membership

Add EQE tokens to your Trust Wallet
Contract address: 0x9E345564f52BB7159cf1a1459cC1CFA09fdb22fF
(Copy & Paste)


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Purchase "E"
2 Min


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Registering with the People's Platform
2 Min

Control Your Money

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Your Personal Admin Panel
3 Min
Add Bitgert & "E" Currency to Wallet
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Add Bitgert Network & EQUIIUS "E" Currency
2 Min
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Purchase "E"
1 Min
KYC - Global Regulations
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Why KYC?
2 Min

Gateway into the System

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Registering & Crypto - an Explanation
4 Min

Underwriting Security

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Why Cryptocurrency? * What is EQUIIUS?
4 Min

System Currency Security

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Underwriting R.E.A.L. Members * Buying Crypto P2P
3 Min
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